Saturday, February 26, 2011

Busting The MLM Prospecting Myth

Adam Taha shares another secret not being taught by the MLM gurus.

Discover who is REALLY your prospect.

home business opportunity Myth - Prospect Anyone and Anything That Breathes

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Following the article blog post on Network Marketing Myths, we go deeper into where the misconceptions begin and reveal a simple strategy that has worked for people I've mentored over the years, to attract quality prospects.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

$100 For 2 Minutes

Would you work for $50 a minute?

Work from home the easy way. The new competition running at NamaraPets will pay you $100 for 2 - 5 minutes of your time.

Time you have captured on video that is!

All you have to do is come up with a video that is or that includes an advertisement for This could be just a funny video of your pets, or it may be an "interview" of you pet and why it thinks Namarapets is the number one pet forum, or perhaps it could be "a day in the life" of a Namara pet. The options are endless, and the money could be yours.

Who couldn't use some extra cash this holiday season?

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Solving Cat House Training Issues

In the first few weeks of life cats will begin to use the litter box particularly if they observe their mother doing the same thing.
If they are going to the toilet outdoors, it is natural for them to cover up after they have finished.

For new kittens you need to supply them with a litter box as they will need to be kept inside the house until they become accustomed to their new home.
Fill a box with cat litter to a sufficient depth that will allow them to dig, approximately 2 inches, and put the box in a quiet place where they don't feel like they are being observed as some kittens can get quite embarrassed if they think people are looking at them while they are going to the toilet.

You should regularly remove any wet litter and droppings, and ensure that the cat litter remains clean at all times otherwise the kitten won't be inclined to use it.

When you have more than one cat using the litter box you'll need to clean it a lot more frequently as they will tend to go more often, as cats like to mark over each other in a similar manner as they do with marking their territory.

If you find that your cat or kitten is not using its litter box as it should there are several reasons why this could be happening.
The most obvious reason is that the litter is not cleaned enough.
Alternatively the litter box might be in a location that the cat is not happy with and putting it in a more private place could resolve the problem.

If litter boxes sound like too much hard work, why not train your cat to use your toilet.

Aged or incontinent cats might require a visit to the vet to see if they can solve the problem and sick cats will often not bother going to the litter box.

Sometimes it can just be a behavioral problem with your cat and this will need to be resolved with proper action and the correct training techniques.

Cats on heat will also spray in order to attract mates and the only remedy for this is neutering.

Other No Mess No Fuss Cat Litter Box Options

Cat Genie Self Washing Self Flushing Litter BoxCat Genie Self Washing Self Flushing Litter Box

CatGenie-Self Washing, Self Flushing Cat Box Unique self-flushing, self-washing cat box maintains itself.

Iris Hooded Cat Litter Box 15.25 x 20 x 16.5Iris Hooded Cat Litter Box 15.25 x 20 x 16.5

The Iris Hooded Cat Litter Box has every convenience needed! The people and cat friendly design features a hood that minimizes odors, a removable swing door, secure buckles to fasten hood and pan, a removable paw cleaning grid, a handle for easy carrying, a removable waste tray for easy cleaning and disposal, and a litter scoop. 15 1/4" x 20" x 16 1/2".

Friday, June 20, 2008

Cats And Young Children

If you have small children in the house and in particular those under the age of three then a cat might not be the best pet to have around.

This is taking into consideration both the child and the cat's well-being.
Cats love to snuggle into people for company and warmth and this can be particularly dangerous where cats have been known to get into bed with babies and smother them unintentionally.

Another problem can occur when young kittens like to play with children.
Kittens have particularly sharp teeth and claws and when they play they can get overly excited and do a lot of damage to the tender skin of children.
There is also the chance for the child to get scratched in the eye when playing with a kitten.

On the other hand, cats can get a hard life from children. Young children often tend to be a little bit heavy-handed when handling cats, and this can lead to anxiety for the cat.

If there are cats and children in the family, then it is a wise decision to teach the children how to handle a cat correctly
Children need to be told how to pick up the cat and handle it carefully and also to become aware of when the cat doesn't want to be handled any longer and would like to be left alone in peace.

Many cats also get quite stressed with loud noise and sudden action which is something that is quite common with young children.

It is good for children to learn to be considerate towards animals at a young age.
They will not only treat animals better but will also be more considerate towards other people, so having a pet in the family that the children can learn to respect can be excellent for developing better people.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

A Cat Or Not? - Choosing A Pet

There is such a wide range of choices when choosing the cat that you will decide to share in your life, that taking the time to do some quality research is well worthwhile.

Not only do you have to decide what type of color you prefer, but whether you want a male or a female cat and the associated characteristics that come with them.

You also have to look at your personality and lifestyle and determine how that will work in with the personality that can be expected from any particular breed.

Fortunately there are many books that give comprehensive details on the personality types of the various different breeds and while they are a generalization they are also quite accurate in most cases and can help you make the right decision more often than not.

Some breeds require a lot more attention than others, and you also need to look at your stage of life and determine how much time you will have to devote to your cat.
Some breeds will always be more suitable than others when taking into account the term of their lifespan, which can be up to 20 years in some cases.

Your decision might also be based on how long you intend to look after a cat, and you might decide that getting an older cat from an animal shelter rather than a kitten might be a better decision.
There are certainly a lot to choose from as animal shelters are generally overflowing with unwanted pets, just waiting for a home.

When choosing your cat, see how it interacts with you right from the outset, as even in one litter there will always be a personality that stands out and shows that it wants you to be its owner.
More often than not the kitten will choose you, rather than the other way around.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Shocking Dog Food Revelations

The Shocking Truth About What Goes In To Dog Food...
It is WORSE than you thought !!

Would you feed other people's dead pets to your dog?

Would you feed diseased by products to your loved pet?

Would you feed Road kill to your dog?

Unless you prepare your own dog food there is NO way of escaping this disgusting practise. This is standard industry procedure in the world of pet food.

If you are as appalled as I am at the thought of what THEY want you to feed your dog then TAKE ACTION TODAY. Start preparing your own dog food. It is not hard and with some resources like the ones below it can even be Fun.

Remember the saying "You Are What You Eat"?
Have you wondered why your dog's behaviour isn't very good?
Pumping your dog full of toxic chemicals can effect not only their health but also their behaviour.

Extend your Dog's life, giving them health and happiness for many years to come.
Don't they deserve the best?

Today's blog is short and too the point because when I discovered exactly what goes into dog food and the shocking loopholes allowed in pet food labelling, I just had to let you know.

In battling evil, excess is good; for he who is moderate in announcing the truth is presenting half-truth. He conceals the other half out of fear of the people's wrath.
Kahlil Gibran

Buy This and ...Get This Free

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Healthy Cats

What should you be feeding your cat?
You need to consider what cats will need in the wild to determine the best food sources for them.

In the wild, cats will eat mice and birds, and drink water.
Obviously this is a diet high in protein and it is essential that your cat gets sufficient protein to maintain a good healthy diet.

What many people don't realize is that cats can get diabetes from having a diet that is too high in carbohydrates.

By constantly feeding your cat carbohydrates it can become insulin resistant and unable to keep its blood glucose levels at a suitable level.

Some signs that your cat is becoming diabetic include drinking a lot of water and eating considerably more than they usually do.
You might also notice a sign of weakness in the back legs as they tend to wobble a bit when walking.

The only way to be sure whether your cat is developing diabetes is to give it a blood test.

This is the best way to determine whether the cat has diabetes or not, although you can do a urine analysis to check blood glucose levels, but this is not as accurate.

Unlike humans and other animals it is possible for cats that have diabetes to go into remission provided their diet has been changed with an elimination of high carbohydrate foods.
More protein will help to stabilize the blood glucose levels.

Dry biscuits are particularly bad for cats as they are generally very high in carbohydrates and even though your cat might love eating them, because of the additives that have been put into these dry foods, it certainly won't do their health a lot of good.

The reason why these dry biscuits are so popular is because of the convenience and the fact that cats are very fussy eaters, and most cats like dry biscuits except possibly those that have been found straying in the wild.

Learn the signs that will help you diagnose health problems with your cat.

Cat Breath and Dental Care Treats Chicken 1 3/4 oz