Dog Pool Therapy
Hydrotherapy (pool therapy) is gaining wide respect among the veterinary profession as a way of treating dogs for a variety of ailments.
No matter what bread of dog you have hydrotherapy pools are a great way of giving your dog some exercise. NMIT veterinary nursing course-coordinator Annette McFadden says a minuter for a dog in the pool can be the equivalent to it walking or running a kilometre.
Pool therapy is a great choice for exercising your dog because it is low impact and there is no pressure on bones or muscles. This is particularly good for dogs recovering from surgery. Dogs in all stages of recovery will be catered to during a session in the pool.
It is also the exercise of choice for dogs with arthritis and other conditions that limit normal activities. Even blind dogs are able to make the most of exercising in the hydrotherapy pool.
Relieve the boredom in your dog's life and search out a pool near you today.