It is WORSE than you thought !!

Would you feed other people's dead pets to your dog?
Would you feed diseased by products to your loved pet?
Would you feed Road kill to your dog?
Unless you prepare your own dog food there is NO way of escaping this disgusting practise. This is standard industry procedure in the world of pet food.
If you are as appalled as I am at the thought of what THEY want you to feed your dog then TAKE ACTION TODAY. Start preparing your own dog food. It is not hard and with some resources like the ones below it can even be Fun.
Remember the saying "You Are What You Eat"?
Have you wondered why your dog's behaviour isn't very good?
Pumping your dog full of toxic chemicals can effect not only their health but also their behaviour.
Extend your Dog's life, giving them health and happiness for many years to come.
Don't they deserve the best?
Today's blog is short and too the point because when I discovered exactly what goes into dog food and the shocking loopholes allowed in pet food labelling, I just had to let you know.
“In battling evil, excess is good; for he who is moderate in announcing the truth is presenting half-truth. He conceals the other half out of fear of the people's wrath.”
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